Improving Your Putting Game withWrist Lock Putter Grip

Putting is one of the most important parts of golf. Being able to sink those short putts can drastically lower your scores. Here's a look at what wrist lock putters are all about and how they can help upgrade your putting game.

Understanding Wrist Lock Putter Grips

Wrist lock putter grip gets its name from the way they lock your wrists into position. Traditional putter grips allow some hinge in the wrists during the putting stroke. Wrist lock grips minimize this hinge by anchoring the grip into the palms of your hands. This puts your wrists in a fixed position, reducing extra movement during the stroke.

The main benefit of wrist lock putter grips is they promote a pendulum-like motion while putting. The wrist lock putter grip is a nontraditional style of grip that can help add consistency and stability to your putting stroke. Here's how it works:

Set up to the ball with your eyes over the ball line. Grip down on the putter so your leading hand is pressed firmly against the front of the grip.

Keep your wrist locked and avoid breaking it during the stroke.

Make your stroke by rotating your shoulders and rocking your upper body. Your locked wrist hinge will keep the face square.

Follow through after impact with your wrist still braced in the locked position.

The wrist lock technique reduces wrist break, which can twist and manipulate the putter's face during the stroke. Stabilizing the wrist angle promotes a pendulum-like motion and improves consistency in pace and direction. This grip style is great if you need help with pushing or pulling putts offline.

Explore Used Mallet Putters

Mallet-style putters are another option to enhance stability and correct alignment issues. The larger mallet head design spreads the weight, making it easier to swing the clubhead straight back and through impact. While new mallet putters can be expensive, used options provide an affordable way to test them.

To experiment with a mallet-style model, consider shopping for Used Mallet Putters for Sale. Here are some benefits of using a used mallet putter:

Cost savings - This allows you to try different models without breaking the bank.

Variety - You'll have access to various mallet putters across brands, materials, ages, and conditions.

Forgiving design - The mallet head shape gets the ball rolling faster with less twisting on off-center strikes.

Customizable - Used putters can be re-gripped and adjusted to fit your preferences.

Experiment with Arm Lock Putting

The arm lock method removes all wrist and hand action from the stroke. Anchoring the putter to your arm promotes a pendulum-like swing path for consistency. It also squares up the putter's face at impact.

Armlock putting is best suited for players who struggle with rhythm, pace, and face angle. While it may look awkward, it provides an incredibly reliable way to roll the ball on your target line.

Rethink Your Putting Approach

Frustrated putters don't have to stick to mainstream putting techniques and equipment. Creators like the wrist lock grip, used mallet putters and arm lock putting offer unconventional options to upgrade your putting prowess. Sinking more putts ultimately comes down to confidence and consistency. Experiment with some unique styles if your current putting method has plateaued.


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